Bible Study Resources
Free & Downloadable
In-Depth Bible Study
& Teaching Guides
Free & Downloadable
In-Depth Bible Study
& Teaching Guides
(for pastors, teachers, church leaders, small groups & individuals)
"What is the Gospel?"
Correcting the Confusion!
Description: A series of six lessons describing What The Gospel Is & What The Gospel Is Not. Today there seem to be as many different gospels as there are preachers, evangelists and Christian writers. Tragically, much of what is being presented as gospel truth is actually a false gospel. Learn what the Bible teaches about this vital subject.
Recommended for: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders and anyone else who wants a clear and biblical understanding of the Gospel of the Grace of God.
(To read, preview, or download this study guide, click on Download File below)
Correcting the Confusion!
Description: A series of six lessons describing What The Gospel Is & What The Gospel Is Not. Today there seem to be as many different gospels as there are preachers, evangelists and Christian writers. Tragically, much of what is being presented as gospel truth is actually a false gospel. Learn what the Bible teaches about this vital subject.
Recommended for: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders and anyone else who wants a clear and biblical understanding of the Gospel of the Grace of God.
(To read, preview, or download this study guide, click on Download File below)

What is the Gospel.pdf |
"The Gospel of John"
A Study of the 4th Gospel
Description: A personal study and teaching guide for The Gospel of John.
Recommended for: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders and others who want to learn more about the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ from John's amazing Gospel!
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)
A Study of the 4th Gospel
Description: A personal study and teaching guide for The Gospel of John.
Recommended for: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders and others who want to learn more about the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ from John's amazing Gospel!
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)

Gospel of John (Teacher V4).pdf |
"Romans - Part 1"
A Study of Romans Chapters 1-8
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's letter to the Romans (chapters 1-8).This study covers the essentials of the Christian Faith, as well as what is considered to be the most important passage in the entire Bible!
Recommended for: Pastors, church leaders, teachers, small groups and anyone else who wants to learn more about the essentials of the Christian Faith and the primary message of the Bible.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)
A Study of Romans Chapters 1-8
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's letter to the Romans (chapters 1-8).This study covers the essentials of the Christian Faith, as well as what is considered to be the most important passage in the entire Bible!
Recommended for: Pastors, church leaders, teachers, small groups and anyone else who wants to learn more about the essentials of the Christian Faith and the primary message of the Bible.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)

Romans 1-8 (Teacher V5).pdf |
"Women of the Word"
The Significance of Woman in the Bible!
Description: This study introduces us to several significant women in the Bible. Although some of these women had sordid and sinful pasts, none-the-less God was carrying out His eternal purpose through them. This study provides hope and encouragement for young women and older women alike.
Recommended For: This study guide was written especially for women and is intended for both personal and group Bible studies, Sunday School, etc.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)
The Significance of Woman in the Bible!
Description: This study introduces us to several significant women in the Bible. Although some of these women had sordid and sinful pasts, none-the-less God was carrying out His eternal purpose through them. This study provides hope and encouragement for young women and older women alike.
Recommended For: This study guide was written especially for women and is intended for both personal and group Bible studies, Sunday School, etc.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)

Women of the Word (Teacher V2.1).pdf |
"1st Timothy"
Getting Along in God's House
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's first letter to Timothy.
Recommended For: Pastors, church leaders, teachers, small group leaders and anyone else who wants to learn more about the book of 1 Timothy.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)
Getting Along in God's House
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's first letter to Timothy.
Recommended For: Pastors, church leaders, teachers, small group leaders and anyone else who wants to learn more about the book of 1 Timothy.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)

1 Timothy (Teacher V1).pdf |
"1st Corinthians"
A Church in Conflict
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's letter to the church at Corinth.
Recommended For: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders and anyone else who wants to learn more about the book of 1 Corinthians.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)
A Church in Conflict
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's letter to the church at Corinth.
Recommended For: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders and anyone else who wants to learn more about the book of 1 Corinthians.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)

1 Corinthians (Teacher V3).pdf |
"Romans - Part 2"
A Study of Romans Chapters 9-16
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's letter to the Romans - Part 2. This study covers Romans chapters 9-16.
Note: Before you start this study, we recommend that you complete "Romans - Part 1" (above) which covers chapters 1-8.
Recommended For: Pastors, teachers, church leaders, small groups, and anyone else who wants to learn more about the second half of The book of Romans.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)
A Study of Romans Chapters 9-16
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for Paul's letter to the Romans - Part 2. This study covers Romans chapters 9-16.
Note: Before you start this study, we recommend that you complete "Romans - Part 1" (above) which covers chapters 1-8.
Recommended For: Pastors, teachers, church leaders, small groups, and anyone else who wants to learn more about the second half of The book of Romans.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)

Romans 9-16 (Teacher V2).pdf |
A Study of the Book of Hebrews
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for the book of Hebrews.
Recommended For: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders, and anyone else who wants to learn more about the book of Hebrews.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)
A Study of the Book of Hebrews
Description: A practical and easy-to-use personal study and teaching guide for the book of Hebrews.
Recommended For: Pastors, teachers, small group leaders, and anyone else who wants to learn more about the book of Hebrews.
(To read, preview or download this file, click on Download File below)

Hebrews (Teacher V2.1).pdf |